Other Prices

You can also pay in EUR at the mid-market exchange rate

Our clients holding a EUR bank account can now pay in EUR at mid-market exchange rate in our boarding and day-care faciliities, thus avoiding exchange rate losses. The mid-market exchange rate for EURHUF today is:

HUF 403.54


Our prices are indicated in Hungarian forints, including Value Added Tax, and are valid from September 1, 2023.

In the case of longer stays, or more than 3 dogs per client we kindly ask to enquire about the prices!

Dog walking – at the client

Time / Number of
dogs present at the same
time per client
1 dog 2 dogs 3 dogs More than 3 dogs, per dog thereafter
30 minutes HUF 4500 HUF 5100 HUF 5700 HUF 600
45 minutes HUF 5000 HUF 5700 HUF 6400 HUF 700
60 minutes HUF 5500 HUF 6300 HUF 7100 HUF 800
90 minutes HUF 7000 HUF 8000 HUF 9000 HUF 1000
120 minutes HUF 8500 HUF 9700 HUF 10,900 HUF 1200

Dog sitting and care – at the client

Time / Number of dogs 1-2 dog(s) 3-4 dogs 5 dogs and above
120 minutes (includes one walk) HUF 9000 HUF 11,000 HUF 13,000
half day (includes two walks) HUF 14,000 HUF 16,000 HUF 18,000
full day (includes three walks) HUF 24,000 HUF 26,000 HUF 28,000
24 hours (includes three walks) HUF 34,000 HUF 36,000 HUF 38,000

Dog training – at the client

Time per dog / Number of dogs 1 dog 2 dogs 3 dogs
60 minutes HUF 9000 HUF 16,000 (total: 2 hours) HUF 23,000 (total: 3 hours)
60 minutes - Debrecen HUF 8000 HUF 14,000 (total: 2 hours) HUF 20,000 (total: 3 hours)

Day-care training in our facilities

Number of dogs 1 dog 2 dogs 3 dogs
Szentendre and Szigetszentmiklós HUF 15 000 HUF 21,000 (2 hours) HUF 27,000 (3 hours)
Debrecen HUF 7000 HUF 12,000 (2 hours) HUF 17,000 (3 hours)

Day-care training in day-care (full day)

Number of dogs 1 dog 2 dogs 3 dogs
 Debrecen HUF 9000 HUF 14,000 HUF 19,000

Treatment of behavioural anomalies

at day-care centre (Szentendre and Szigetszentmiklós) HUF 15,000
at day-care centre (Debrecen) HUF 7000
at the client (60-75-minute units)  HUF 9000
at the client (60-75-minute units) - Debrecen HUF 8000

Professional advisory

via telephone free of charge
at the client (free of charge, if followed by an assignment) HUF 9000
at the client (free of charge, if followed by an assignment) - Debrecen HUF 8000

Day-care service (in our centres in Szentendre, XI. district (Buda), Szigetszentmiklós and Debrecen)

Number of dogs 1 dog 2 dogs 3 dogs
  HUF 5500 (HUF 5000, if used on all working days of the week) HUF 9500 (HUF 9000, if used on all working days of the week) HUF 13,500 (HUF 13,000, if used on all working days of the week)

Active day-care service (in the forest)
(daily rate – the price includes the transportation from and back to the client)

Number of dogs 1 dog 2 dogs 3 dogs
  HUF 8000 HUF 12,000 HUF 16,000


Boarding facility transportation base rate Base rate distance Km-fee thereafter
HUF 6000 10 km HUF 250 / km
HUF 4000 (Debrecen) 10 km HUF 250 / km

Pool service for our boarded guests

Time length1 dog
30 minutes HUF 5000
60 minutes HUF 7000

Pool service for external bookings - individual

Time length 1 dog
30 minutes HUF 6000
60 minutes HUF 8000

Pool service for external bookings - groups - at least 3 dogs

Time length per dog
30 minutes HUF 4000
60 minutes HUF 5500

Dog Treadmill Fees

Time1 dog
30 minutes HUF 3000
60 minutes HUF 5000

Veterinary treatments

Consultation-Review Consultation (Dogs, Cats)Price
Consultation HUF 10,900
Review Consultation HUF 7900
Consultation - without a pet HUF 7900
Consultation-Review Consultation (Exotic Animals)Price
Consultation (Rabbit, Ferret, Guinea Pig, Hedgehog, Chinchilla) HUF 7900
Consultation (Hamster, Degu, Mouse, Rat) HUF 4900
Consultation (Reptiles, Birds) HUF 5900
Review Consultation (Rabbit, Ferret, Guinea Pig, Hedgehog, Chinchilla) HUF 4900
Review Consultation (Hamster, Degu, Mouse, Rat) HUF 2900
Review Consultation (Reptiles, Birds) HUF 3900
Vaccinations for DogsPrice
Parvovirus Vaccination HUF 9500
Combined Vaccination HUF 11,900
Combined + Rabies Vaccination HUF 14,900
Rabies Vaccination HUF 9500
Kennel Cough Vaccination HUF 11,900
Lyme Disease Vaccination HUF 14,900
Vaccinations for CatsPrice
Rabies Vaccination HUF 9500
Combined Vaccination HUF 11,900
Combined + Leucosis Vaccination HUF 14,900
Combined + Rabies Vaccination HUF 14,900
Leucosis Vaccination HUF 11,900
Vaccinations for Exotic AnimalsPrice
Combined Vaccination (1/2-year-old) HUF 9500
Combined Vaccination (1-year-old) - Nobivac Myxo-RHD+ HUF 14,900
RHD2 HUF 12,000
Microchip Implantation and Registration HUF 11,900
Animal Passport Issuance HUF 13,900
Chip Registration (Without Implantation) HUF 4000
Vaccination Pass Issuance HUF 2000
X-Ray (Dogs, Cats) HUF 14,900
X-Ray (Exotic Animals) HUF 7000 – HUF 10 000
Repeated X-Ray HUF 5900
Ultrasound Examination (Abdominal) HUF 19,900
Ultrasound Examination (Abdominal, Control) HUF 11,900
Ultrasound Examination (Cardiac) HUF 24,900
Ultrasound Examination (Cardiac, Control) HUF 17,900
Combined Ultrasound Examination (Abdominal, Cardiac) HUF 28,900
Infusion TreatmentPrice
Infusion Treatment – 1st occasion HUF 7000
Continued Infusion Treatment / occasion HUF 5000
Sterilisation - Prices Include AnaesthesiaPrice
Neutering of Male Cats HUF 19,900
Spaying of Female Cats (Ovariectomy Only) HUF 39,900
Spaying of Female Cats (Pregnant / Uterine) HUF 54,900
Castration of Dogs <15 kgs HUF 39,900
Castration of Dogs 15-30 kgs HUF 49,900
Castration of Dogs >30 kgs HUF 59,900
Spaying of Female Dogs <15 kgs HUF 54,900
Spaying of Female Dogs 15-30 kg HUF 64,900
Spaying of Female Dogs >30 kg HUF 74,900
Spaying of Female Dogs (Pregnant / Uterine) <15 kgs HUF 84,900
Spaying of Female Dogs (Pregnant / Uterine) 15-30 kgs HUF 99,900
Spaying of Female Dogs (Pregnant / Uterine) >30 kgs HUF 109,900
Neutering (Exotic Animals)Price
Spaying of Rabbits (Female) HUF 38,900
Neutering of Rabbits (Male) HUF 28,900
Spaying of Guinea Pigs (female) HUF 34,900
Neutering of Guinea Pigs (male) HUF 28,900
Spaying/Neutering of Hedgehogs HUF 29,900
Additional ServicesPrice
Ear Cleaning from HUF 3900
Anal Gland Extraction from HUF 3900
Cutting of Claws HUF 4500
Cutting of Claws (Exotic Animals) HUF 2000
Hormone Implantation (Exotic Animals) HUF 28,900
On-Call / Emergency Surcharge HUF 4900
Weekend Surcharge HUF 4900
Laboratory FeesPrice
Blood Count HUF 8000
Pre-Anaesthesia Blood Test HUF 14,000
Cat Routine HUF 23,000
Cat Routine + SDMA HUF 31,000
Dog Routine HUF 24,000
Dog Routine + SDMA HUF 32,000
Anti-Inflammatory Profile HUF 12,000
Heartworm Rapid Test HUF 12,000
Heartworm Screening HUF 17,000
Heartworm screening + PCR HUF 31,000
Thyroid Gland - T4 HUF 11,000
Progesterone Measurement HUF 22,000
Chronic Diarrhoea Panel I. (Dog) HUF 18,000
Chronic diarrhoea panel II (Dog) HUF 41,000
Geriatric Profile (Dog) HUF 36,000
Geriatric Profile (Cat) HUF 38,000
Canine Upper Respiratory Tract PCR Profile HUF 89,000
Vomitus Profile (Dog) HUF 38,000
Vomitus Profile (Cat) HUF 38,000
Therapy Dog Profile 1 (DB) HUF 41,000
Therapy Dog Profile 2 (DB) HUF 51,000
Other ServicesPrice
Other Laboratory Exams Please, Contact our Vet Clinic
Other Exams, Pets, Surgeries Please, Contact our Vet Clinic 


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Guide dog training

Please, enquire at our office!

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