Terms and Conditions

All our customers sign the following Client Consent Form upon order.

For boarding services:

  1. I hereby hand over my dog(s) to Dogmopolite Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. (Seat: H-1118 Budapest, Sasadi út 36., Company Reg. No.: 01-09-942476, Tax No.: 22763190-1-43) or one of the companies operating its boarding and day-care facilities (Vessler Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft. (Seat: H-1118 Budapest, Sasadi út 36., Company Reg. No.: 01-09-289776, Tax No.: 25799408-1-43) or Dogmopolite PLUS Kft. (Seat: H-1118 Budapest, Sasadi út 36., Company Reg. No.: 01-09-915592, Tax No.: 14696208-1-43)) (hereinafter: Service Provider), based on Order Form No. _______________ (hereinafter: Order), in order to have the service or set of services detailed in the Order performed.

  2. I declare that I hand over my dog(s) to the Service Provider only for the provision of the service(s) detailed in the Order. I do not claim services that have not been ordered in a written form on the Order Form.

  3. The Service Provider performs the service detailed to the Order Form according to its best knowledge. Nonetheless I acknowledge that for the outcome or success of certain services such as training or socialization, the Service Provider – due to the nature of the dog(s) – cannot assume any responsibility.

  4. I acknowledge that the Service Provider shall be free to determine certain details of the service flexibly – including the time of service delivery within a set range, the exact walking route, the training methodology, and if deemed necessary, change certain parameters of the service.

  5. During service provision Service Provider shall undertake all expectable and rational measures for preserving the Dog’s good health. Service Provider does not, however, assume liability, if – against its continuous efforts of providing high-standard care based on the keeping and feeding principles set forth in the Dog Form offered by Service Provider and accepted by Client – due to weather or any other condition outside the Service Provider’s scope of responsibility, any deterioration in the Dog’s health condition (except accidents or damages caused by other dogs under the auspices of the Service Provider) or weight loss occurs. Should any deterioration of the Dog’s health condition occur during Service Provision, then Service Provider shall immediately contact Owner thereof. Owner hereby empowers Service Provider in the case of events requiring urgent intervention to proceed in full scope, autonomously, on Owner’s cost, at the veterinary center deemed appropriate by Service Provider.

  6. I declare that I have done/will do everything in my power to enable or ease the provision of the service. In this sense, I will ensure easy access to and exit from the place where my dog(s) are kept. Should the service fail to be realized due to the failure to do so either in my presence or in my absence, I shall accept it as if the service was delivered. Should the access to the place after the delivery of the scheduled service not be possible, then the dog(s) shall be boarded at the Service Provider’s facilities at the prevailing cost of boarding.

  7. The Service Provider only assumes responsibility regarding damages in valuables, with special regard to valuables in and/or around the home of the Owner if the damages on behalf of Service Provider’s colleague did not proceed according to the expectable, rational care. Should the minimal requirements fail to be met by the Owner, then such damages shall be borne by the Owner.

  8. I declare that all data on the Order Form – with special regard to my dog's health status and background information – are true and were provided based on my best knowledge. For any damage to property, other dogs or to my own dog(s) resulting in from the false or imprecise provision of such data, I am, as owner, solely and fully responsible both in monetary and in penal terms.

  9. I acknowledge, that Service Provider is entitled to deny service in case the vaccination against rabies and/or the vaccination pass/passport are missing. In case the Service Provider does provide the service nonetheless, it does not assume any liability for any disease or other related obligation resulting in thereof.

  10. I declare that I have been informed in full about the combined (Distemper/Parvo) vaccination and have provided these in full accordance with the prevailing laws. I assume full liability for any disease and all consequences resulting from the lack thereof.

  11. I declare that I have been informed in full about kennel cough and acknowledge that I have taken the necessary steps of protecting my dog at my discretion. As a consequence, I assume full liability for any respiratory disease and all consequences resulting thereof.

  12. With the signing of the Order Form I accept the General Terms and Conditions set forth by the Service Provider and the payment obligation of the service fee according to the Order Form.

  13. I acknowledge that the Service Provider is entitled to register my debit or credit card details in order to book a deposit upon arrival or to book a MO/TO (distant debit) during my absence in case of a prolonged stay. The Service Provider is entitled to deny service in the lack thereof.

  14. I acknowledge that in case the Service Provider is unable to contact me within one month following the end of service indicated on the present Order Form, then Service Provider is entitled to hand over the dog to a rescue organization at its own discretion. I acknowledge, however, that this does not exempt me from my payment obligation for the service rendered for the period up until the measure, as well as the rescue cost itself.

  15. I declare that I will not initiate a direct contact with the Service Provider's colleague actually performing the service, unless agreed otherwise. In case of a new order, service content or timing modification, problems or other exchange of information I shall exclusively contact the Service Provider directly.

  16. I acknowledge that I fulfil the requirements of the Hungarian Government Decree 41/2010 (II. 26). Korm. on the ownership of pets, with special regard to the obligation of the provision of an electronic transponder (chip) on my dog(s). Should I not or only partly fulfil this obligation, then all possible monetary or other consequences shall be borne by me.

  17. I declare that I have provided my dog by the time the service starts and during the full duration thereof with all necessary and unambiguous identification measures, on an easily identifiable spot, in a secure manner.

  18. I acknowledge that the Service Provider uses all personal data provided here confidentially, according to the Decree 2016/679 EU (GDPR). I hereby give my permission to the Service Provider to use my data for marketing and other purposes. At the same time, I give my consent to receiving notifications either electronically or by regular mail about discounts, special programs or promotions on a regular basis.


For other services:

  1. I hereby hand over my dog(s) to Dogmopolite Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. (Seat: H-1118 Budapest, Sasadi út 36., Company Reg. No.: 01-09-942476, Tax No.: 22763190-1-43) (hereinafter: Service Provider), based on Order Form No. _______________ (hereinafter: Order), in order to have the service or set of services detailed in the Order performed.

  2. I declare that I hand over my dog(s) to the Service Provider only for the provision of the service(s) detailed in the Order. I do not claim services that have not been ordered in a written form on the Order Form.

  3. I declare that I have done/will do everything in my power to enable or ease the provision of the service. In this sense, I will ensure easy access to and exit from the place where my dog(s) are kept. Should the service fail to be realized due to the failure to do so either in my presence or in my absence, I shall accept it as if the service was delivered. Should the access to the place after the delivery of the scheduled service not be possible, then the dog(s) shall be accommodated at the Service Provider’s facilities at the prevailing cost of accommodation (to be found on Service Provider's homepage at: http://www.dogmopolite.hu).

  4. I declare that all data on the Order Form – with special regard to my dog's health status and background information – are true and were provided based on my best knowledge. For any damage to property, other dogs or to my own dog(s) resulting in from the false or imprecise provision of such data, I am, as owner, solely and fully responsible both in monetary and in penal terms.

  5. With the signing of the Order Form I accept the General Terms and Conditions set forth on the Service Provider's homepage (www.dogmopolite.hu) and the payment obligation of the service fee according to the Order Form.

  6. I declare that I will not initiate a direct contact with the Service Provider's colleague actually performing the service, unless agreed otherwise. In case of a new order, service content or timing modification, problems or other exchange of information I shall exclusively contact the Service Provider (Dogmopolite Kft.) directly (Telephone: (06-1) 246 23 06 or E-mail at: info@dogmopolite.hu).

  7. I acknowledge that scheduled services can be cancelled by 5 p.m. on the day preceding the service the latest; otherwise the service due on the following day shall be regarded as performed.

  8. The Service Provider performs the service detailed to the Order Form according to its best knowledge. Nonetheless I acknowledge that for the outcome or success of certain services such as training or socialization, the Service Provider – due to the nature of the dog(s) – cannot assume any responsibility.

  9. The Service Provider only assumes responsibility regarding damages in valuables, with special regard to valuables in and/or around the home of the Owner if the damages on behalf of Service Provider’s colleague did not proceed according to the expectable, rational care. Should the minimal requirements fail to be met by the Owner, then such damages shall be borne by the Owner.

  10. If all data regarding the dog’s health status and other information was provided correctly, then the Service Provider shall bear the responsibility for all material or health-related damages caused by the dog(s). The Service Provider is, in addition, responsible for the dog’s health, if the dog does not suffer from chronic diseases or other health issues resulting from the unprofessional care of the Owner.

  11. I acknowledge that the Service Provider shall be free to determine certain details of the service flexibly – including the time of service delivery within a set range, the exact walking route, the training methodology, and if deemed necessary, change certain parameters of the service.

  12. I acknowledge that I fulfil the requirements of the Hungarian Government Decree 41/2010 (II. 26). Korm. on the ownership of pets, with special regard to the obligation of the provision of an electronic transponder (chip) on my dog(s) (the decree can be downloaded in Hungarian from the Service Provider’s homepage at www.dogmopolite.hu). Should I not or only partly fulfil this obligation, then all possible monetary or other consequences shall be borne by me.

  13. I declare that I have provided my dog by the time the service starts and during the full duration thereof with all necessary and unambiguous identification measures, on an easily identifiable spot, in a secure manner.

  14. I acknowledge that the Service Provider uses all personal data provided here confidentially, according to the Decree 2016/679 EU (GDPR). I hereby give my permission to the Service Provider to use my data for marketing and other purposes. At the same time, I give my consent to receiving notifications either electronically or by regular mail about discounts, special programs or promotions on a regular basis.
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